Friday, October 1, 2010

When Editorializing changes Reality

The original image appears on the right.  The cropping takes out the boom that Obama is examining on the shore.  The effect created is that his head is hung in sorrow or defeat.  The crop itself creates a strong effect, and would be seen by most people I think as "fair play."  By taking the woman out of the image it removes the original from reality altogether.  It isolates the president in a slumping, isolated pose - a moment that may have ever happened.  At this point the editor may have just as well replaced the background image with a shot of the burning well.  It would not have been much further of a leap...


  1. very informative! ill watch out for this

  2. Over dramatising with the new piocture in comparison to the old one.

  3. I really need that new CS5, still working with CS3 :(

  4. I liked your input on my last blog post :)

  5. hmmm interesting stuff here a lot of covers must be shopped then

  6. Wow that is a drastic twist from reality nice work

  7. oh hello kind sir, have me met yet? =)

    smoochies n' poopies! :*

  8. Man I just read ALL your articles. You are good sit.

  9. This is interesting, makes it look like a completely different situation.
