Sunday, October 3, 2010

Distorting Reality

My earlier post about Obama and the oil well made me remember this older news story from 2006.  Reuters got into some hot water for circulating this image of an F16 firing missiles over Lebanon.  As it turned out the jet is actually defensive flares used to decoy surface to air missiles.  On closer inspection only one flair was even dropped - apparently the clone stamp was used to create the additional "missiles."  Reuters responded by cutting off the freelance photographer who submitted the image and removed his previous contributions from their archive. 

In a similar gaffe Reuters also accepted an image that to me looks clearly (and poorly) photoshopped.  The smoke was duplicated the make the damage in this photograph from the Mid East look worse.


  1. It's funny how you can change the world with Photoshop.

  2. Interesting post man lol I will have to look more into that

  3. Obama should start to keep his promises if he seeks re-election !

  4. heh, that's rather embarrassing, but they seem to make mistakes rather often

  5. reuters suck. They dont want to give me a job.

  6. wow. i don't photshop but that is some pretty shitty photoshopin.

  7. nothing deserves to be called real anymore

  8. Yes the news is very distorted! Should be careful of what they put on T.V.
    Mesty =)

  9. Haha, laaaaaazy photoshops there dude

  10. Meh,bad photoshopping is bad

  11. Funny how much photoshopped content gets released into the news stream

  12. Anonymous6/10/10 23:46

    Good goddomighty!!! That shop job is horrible. This needs to go under real or fake. Reuters has been a good source for a lot of BS going on, but that shopwork is unacceptable. Not even close to convincing.
