Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nick Veasey

Photographer Nick Veasey  creates x-ray style photographs that are highly digitally retouched.  In this photo the human is fully integrated into his tools - the chair mirrors the body, the shoe soles are extensions of the foot bones and the news paper is even connected to the eyes creating a path to the brain.  Image a photograph of a person with laptop in their back pack, a cell phone to their ear, an iPod in pocket and a pace maker embedded in his chest....


  1. Good luck with your blog glad to be your first ;)

  2. Wow that xray looks good!
    Mesty =)

  3. wow thats awesome,, i wonder if thats even safe!! haha we ll see in 20yrs when someones seriously sick! thanks bro

  4. Unique style of photography, looking forward to new posts with his photographs!

  5. does he rly use x-rays to make that kind of photo? isn't it too dangerous?

  6. Where did you get the image? I remember seeing a set of those but can't remember where! Incredible work

  7. Anonymous30/9/10 14:46

    awesome picture, and the point of it being dangerous... they have bodyscans at the airports too nowadays.
